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  • Writer's pictureNandini R Kini

Baingan Ka Raitha/ Brinjal Raitha


1 small brinjal/ eggplant / baingaN

2 tsp oil

Salt to taste

1/ 2tsp jeera / cumin pdr

1 cup fresh curds

Chopped coriander leaves

For the tempering:

2 tsp oil

1 tsp mustard

2 broken red chillies

Curry leaves


  • Wash brinjal and cut into 4 pieces lengthwise.Then cut into thin slices .

  • Wash well and apply little salt to the pieces

  • Heat 2 tsp oil in a pan , add brinjal slices and roast it on a high flame till they turn into crisp and brown

  • Put the curds in a bowl, add saltand whisk well

  • Add the tempering with the ingredients mentioned

  • Add the roasted brinjal slices, chopped coriander leaves and mix well

  • Serve with rice.

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