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  • Writer's pictureNandini R Kini

Nendra Bale Kele Bajo / Kerala Banana Fritters


2 Boiled, mashed potatoes

1/2 cup crumbled paneer

2 crushed green chillies

1 tsp chopped ginger

1 tsp chopped garlic

2 tblsp corn flour

1 tsp garam masala pdr

1/2 tsp chaat masala

chopped coriander leaves

Salt to taste

Oil for deep frying

Bread crumbs for coating

1/4 cup milk


  • Mix all the above ingredients well

  • Divide the mixture into portions and make rolls of each portion

  • Dip the roll in milk and roll in bread crumbs

  • Heat oil and deep fry the rolls on a medium flame till they turn dark brown and crisp

  • Serve hot with ketchup or green chutney.

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