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  • Writer's pictureNandini R Kini

Rava Nippat

Nippat is a crispy, golden, and deliciously spicy cracker made with rice flour, fried gram, peanuts, dried coconut, and sesame seeds. This is similar to Thattai (Tamil) or Chekkalu (Telugu). But in this recipe, Rava is used in place of rice flour.


1 chiroti rava / fine rava

2 tblsp daliya dal / hurigadle / putani pdr

1 tsp butter

2 tsp sesame seeds/ til

3 crushed green chillies

3 tbsp peanuts slightly crushed

2 tsp daliya dal/ hurigadale

Finely chopped curry leaves

Salt to taste

Water as needed to knead the dough

Oil for deep frying


  • Take a big bowl, put the ingredients no 1 to 9, mix well

  • Add water as required and knead it, make a soft dough and rest it for 20 mins

  • Heat oil, grease one plastic sheet.

  • Divide the dough into portions and make small balls

  • Place the balls on the greased sheet, and make it flat with the help of your fingers

  • Deep fry into crisp and golden brown nippattu

  • Put them on tissue paper and store them in an airtight jar once it comes to room temperature

  • Enjoy with a hot cup of tea or coffee.

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