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  • Writer's pictureNandini R Kini

Schezuan Pepper Mushrooms


1 packet mushroom

5 tsp oil

8 chopped garlic cloves

2 finely chopped green chillies

2 chopped onions

1 tsp tomato ketchup

2 tsp soya sauce

2-3 tblsp schezuan sauce

2 tsp pepper pdr

Salt to taste

1/2 capsicum cut into chunks

Chopped spring onion greens for garnishing

To make schezuan sauce you need:

3 tblsp oil 2 tblsp chopped garlic 2 tblsp chopped ginger 2 tblsp chopped celery or coriander leaves 1/4 cup chopped spring onion white portion 1/2 cup chopped spring onion greens 1/4 cup red chilli paste 3 tblsp tomato ketchup 1 tblsp vinegar Water as needed Salt to taste


  • In a pan heat oil, add chopped garlic, ginger, celery, spring onion white portion, salt to taste, red chilli paste, spring onion greens and saute for 5 mins

  • Add ketchup, vinegar and cook for a while

  • Your schezuan sauce is ready

  • Wash the mushrooms and cut them into 4 pieces

  • In a pan heat oil and fry garlic and green chillies till light brown in colour

  • Add chopped onion and fry till it turns pinkish

  • Put the chopped mushrooms and cook on a high flame, till they shrink

  • Add all the sauce, spice powders one by one, salt and toss well

  • Garnish with finely chopped spring onion greens and the pepper mushroom is done.

  • Serve hot with fried rice, noodles or any other pulav.

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